Elvis Videos

The Kin of Rock and Roll wishes to thank some of the contributors to YouTube, Inc. who have prepared these rare videos to help keep Elvis' memory alive. We will show a selection of these videos, important memories from Elvis' career, to be shared and enjoyed here on our site. These videos are not offensive in any way, nor do they appear as ads to sell products. They are simply rare memories captured for our eternal enjoyment. Please read the Terms and Disclaimer. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. TERMS OF USE FOR YOUTUBE, INC. VIDEOS

Elvis on American Idol!

History was made when American Idol came up with a way to bring back Elvis and have him appear--ON STAGE--singing a duet with Celine Dion. Audiences went wild as they watched history being made--the return of Elvis Presley to the concert stage.

Elvis appears on the Milton Berle Show in 1956.

Elvis in Hawaii sings "American Trilogy"

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